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Jonathan Simpkins

Brunner’s Glands: Vital Digestive Secretions

What are Brunner’s Glands?

Brunner’s glands function to neutralize acids from your stomach. The chyme released from the upper stomach is very acidic. As this chyme enters into the beginning of the small intestine, called the duodenum, you are meant to have a protective coating there.

Protection of your duodenum epithelium is enabled via this protective coating. This coating is composed of an antacid which is physiologically secreted called mucin. This solution is secreted by your Brunner’s glands.

Secretions of your Brunner’s glands are composed of a viscous, alkaline, slippery, and wet solution. You can note that inside this solution is a potent array of proteolytic enzymes.

These secretions are produced by compound tubular organelle cells that exist above your sphincter of Oddi. This sphincter is the valve through which these secretions enter the duodenum.

This slippery solution produced by your body to neutralize acids, coming through your Brunner’s glands, is quite alkaline and contains bicarbonate. Also, your necessary epidermal growth factor (EGF) and secretin nutrients are found within these secretions.

Urogastrone (another name for EGF), secreted by your Brunner’s glands, inhibits the chief cells in the upper stomach from secreting acid and digestive enzymes in order to protect your duodenum. Neutralizing that acid churn allows the nutrients consumed from fresh, enzymatically rich food to be absorbed.

digestion, brunner's glands, duodenum

Brunner’s Glands Affect Neurology

Your bile ducts communicate with endocrine, epithelium, and epidermal factors. All components of these hormonal systems can only function as you have proper Brunner’s glands activity.

Many practitioners have observed that most aging occurs because Brunner’s glands functioning was compromised. Enterocrinin is a hormone that stimulates secretion of mucin and enzymes into your intestinal juices.

Enterocrinin is released into the blood from your duodenum. As a result, this stimulates the acinar cells of your pancreas to release water and bicarbonates.This is another necessary physiological process to manage your digestive juices.

All of this incredible biochemical activity is acting to neutralize the effects of gastrin. Gastrin is what triggers the stomach acid to have been released.

So as you can observe, an extensive array of Brunner’s glands are located above the sphincter of Oddi. The sphincter of Oddi is the valve found within the pancreatic duct that is a portal which systematically opens and shuts itself. From the pancreatic duct, it empties into the beginning of the small intestine called the duodenum.

At this point you got pancreatic and bile secretions neutralizing and influencing your digestive juices.

Occluded Brunner’s Glands Means Compromised Health

Anytime you can have strayed from a diet of fresh, mineral-rich food that’s low in phosphates and organic, you definitely have occlusions. In other words, crud and gunk that could have been blocking and inhibiting your Brunner’s glands functioning.

Brunner’s glands function requires you to be in a parasympathetic state. This means in your natural condition, you remain in a parasympathetic mode for ninety percent of your day, and only ten percent of your day in a sympathetic state.

Brunner’s glands can be inhibited by excessive sympathetic nerve stimulation. Anytime this condition might have existed psychosomatically, it could have influenced the duodenum to be in an unprotected state.

In that case there would have been a highly caustic condition of the duodenum, due to the acid from the upper chamber of the stomach not being neutralized.

Under an acid state like that, the duodenum tissue would have degraded from being healthy tissue. A bacterial overgrowth can come as an observed result of this sort of adulteration.

The Detriments of Excessive Phosphates

An organic phosphate disrupts the blood salts and your acid-alkaline balance. Mono-, di-, and trisodium phosphates found in industrial foods, treated water, and chemicalized hygiene products causes serious damage.

Excessive consumption of inorganic and organic phosphates via dead food and tap water can wreak havoc on your Brunner’s glands functioning. Glyphosate is perhaps the most infamous culprit here, as it has deservedly received much scrutiny for the damage it can cause.

bioterrain, enzymes, gut bacteria

Importance of Enzymes

So when you’re looking at the overall picture, you can know that there is a definite existing primal force of conservation of your body. Did you also know that your saliva is necessary to bring forth amylase, which is the enzyme needed for breaking down starch?

Fresh and fermented vegetables, fruits (including seeds), and herbs have many enzymes already present. The information above regarding Brunner’s glands secretions is why it’s important to have plenty of condiments full of enzymatic activity.

This is the law of adaptive secretion of digestive enzymes. As you bring in more exogenous enzymes, your body can conserve its own energy while digesting your food. Anytime you could’ve been consuming more dead food, that was robbing enzyme value from your body.

Excessive consumption of chemicalized and processed dead food with unnatural sugars and high glycemic index is detrimental to digestion. Such a diet can have been the cause of a substance like somatostatin to be released. That causes gastrin to be inhibited, thereby slowing down and sometimes blocking your body’s ability to be able to digest food.

Food would not be digested or assimilated as your upper stomach wasn’t functioning properly. Then, the dead food consumed is perpetually deposited and causes a laminated material to have formed on your bio-film. Your biofilm is the packing that surrounds your cells.

intestinal tract

Keeping the Rivers Clean

Without your Brunner’s glands functioning properly, your body could have become gummed up. This is why it’s important to learn about upstream cleaning. You have rivers and oceans inside your body. And at the top of the mountain is the regions involved in the production of bile, which includes Brunner’s glands.

Your liver and gallbladder are the wastewater processing and water treatment facility of your body. These organs are primarily responsible for ensuring your blood is clean and free of foreign debris and toxic matter. Your Brunner’s glands are required to be functioning properly in order to get the benefit of your digestive secretions.

You can begin to learn about rejuvenation protocols for the liver and gallbladder and get back your proper health. Stay tuned for more information on this topic, and the brain in your gut, coming up soon.

Jonathan Simpkins

CCO, Director of Culinary R&D

Jonathan Simpkins is an entrepreneur and independent researcher with extensive experience in the natural food industry. He has spent fifteen years studying traditional food and healing systems around the world, developing natural products, and promoting health optimization strategies.