Glutathione is often referred to as the king of antioxidants.
A master immunomodulator, glutathione is now recognized as one of the top immune-boosting nutrients of all time. It’s also critical for healthy detoxification and inflammation response, but its beneficial effects extend to nearly every system in the body.
There are tons of glutathione supplements on the market, but nothing out there is as comprehensive as APEX Glutathione, a synergistic formula of 13 ingredients that work together to elevate the body’s natural production of this essential compound.
Ready to take your detox, immunity, and focus to the next level? Try CHOQ APEX Glutathione today!

Infinitely more than just glutathione pills
CHOQ® is a plant-forward company, which is why we always enhance our formulas with powerful herbs that bring out the best in each nutrient, providing you with additional benefits to help you lead a life of radiant vitality.
Apex Glutathione contains ultra-high-absorption liposomal glutathione, NAC, and vitamins and minerals that support the glutathione system in the body. Additionally, it contains standardized extracts of Ginkgo, Bacopa, and Jiaogulan, herbs that not only enhance glutathione production but also promote healthy mood, energy, and focus.
All formulated to powerfully support the body’s glutathione production while providing additional benefits for mood, focus, and cellular energy production.
Welcome to the most advanced glutathione available.
![glutathione [Converted]-01](https://choq.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/glutathione-Converted-01.png)
All formulated to synergistically support the body’s glutathione production while providing additional benefits for mood, focus, and cellular energy production.
Welcome to the most advanced glutathione on the market.
The best glutathione supplement around because it was formulated based on a deep knowlege of glutathione biochemistry
Solid formulation logic based on biochemistry = results you can feel.
Your body uses multiple different enzymes to synthesize, recycle, and transport glutathione to where it needs to be.
Some of these enzymes include:
- Glutathione S Transferase (GST) – binds glutathione to toxins for elimination
- Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) – transfers glutathione to free radicals, allowing antioxidant function
- Glutathione Reductase (GR) – recycles glutathione after it has been used up by neutralizing too many free radicals, allowing each glutathione molecule to be active for longer
APEX Glutathione’s ingredients were blended based on how they interact with these enzymes and many other aspects of glutathione metabolism.
This is science-based formulation at its finest.
APEX Glutathione Ingredient Breakdown
Click on the dropdown menus to explore the research behind each ingredient.
High Absorption Liposomal Glutathione
LipoVantage™ Liposomal Glutathione has been shown to absorb 3.3x as much as regular glutathione.
By combining glutathione with phospholipids from sunflower lecithin, the ability for it to pass through the gut wall and into the bloodstream is greatly enhanced.
Therefore, the 125 mg of liposomal glutathione per serving in CHOQ APEX Glutathione is the post-absorption equivalent of over 400 mg.
This ingredient supports:
- Healthy liver function
- Healthy detoxification by attaching to toxic compounds and removing them from the body
- Immune health by promoting the balance between the Th1 and Th2 family of immune cells
- Healthy inflammation response
- Healthy mood, memory, and focus
- Post-workout recovery
- Mitochondrial function (cellular energy production)
- Healthy aging through antioxidant protection
Absorption studies performed by Specnova®, LLC using Caco-2 permeability assay
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
The glutathione molecule is comprised of 3 different amino acids: glycine, glutamine, and cysteine. Of these 3 essential glutathione building blocks, Cysteine is the least abundant in the diet, and thus is the most important for increasing natural glutathione production in the body.
This ingredient supports:
- All the same functions as glutathione, as it’s a critical building block that helps your body make more of it
Studies performed by Specnova using Cacao-2 permeability assay
Bacognize® Standardized Bacopa Monnieri Extract
Bacognize® is a clinically-researched standardized extract of the Ayurvedic herb Bacopa monnieri.
Although many may be familiar with bacopa’s positive effects on mood and focus, few are aware that it also works with the body’s glutathione system.
The subject of 6 studies, Bacognize® has been clinically proven to enhance memory and focus. It is sustainably grown in India and standardized via HPLC to contain serotonin-active bacopa glycosides and other bioactive phytochemicals.
This ingredient supports:
- Multi-antioxidant activation through promotion of NRF2
- Enhanced activity of the Glutathione S Transferase (GST) enzyme, helping glutathione bind to toxins
- Enhanced activity of the Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) enzyme, assisting glutathione with the neutralization of free radicals
- Optimal memory and cognitive performance by promoting healthy levels of acetylcholine
- Healthy mood by promoting serotonin signaling (via SABGs: Serotonin-Active Bacopa Glycosides)
- Optimal stress response and calm focus by promoting healthy GABA levels
- Healthy neurological inflammation response
JiaogulanEx™ Standardized Jiaogulan Extract
Also known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Jiaogulan is a powerful adaptogenic plant used by herbalists in Asia for thousands of years to promote energy, mood, focus, and overall vitality.
Many of the active phytochemicals that make this plant so potent are called saponins, and are structurally related to the compounds in ginseng. While ginseng has 28 different saponins, however, Jiaogulan contains over 80 distinct saponin phytochemicals.
The most potent Jiaogulan extract available, JiaogulanEx™ is standardized to 98% gypenosides (the specific name for the saponins in Jiaogulan).
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced activity of the Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) enzyme, assisting glutathione with the neutralization of free radicals
- Enhanced activity of the Glutathione Reductase (GR) enzyme, assisting the body with regenerating oxidized glutathione back into its active form
- Generation of the endogenous antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
- Immune health through supporting healthy cytokine balance and antibody production
- Healthy inflammation response
- Optimal energy levels by promoting mitochondrial energy production
- Healthy mood and cognitive function
3x Absorption Ginkgo Phytosome
Ginkgo Biloba leaf has been revered for millennia for its ability to support healthy blood flow, cognitive function, and mood.
Many people know of its ability to support brain health, but few know that part of its essential mechanism of action is that it’s able to upregulate glutathione by supporting the activity of Glutathione S Transferase (GST).
Ginkgo also supports healthy mood and focus by promoting the activity of critical neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.
The special Ginkgo Phytosome used in APEX Glutathione absorbs three times better than a standard ginkgo extract because it’s been blended with phospholipids from sunflower seeds.
The subject of 3 studies, this ingredient supports:
- Healthy glutathione activity in the brain by promoting the activity of Glutathione S Transferases (GST)
- Mood health by supporting dopamine and serotonin
- Healthy inflammation response
- Cardiovascular health by promoting healthy blood flow throughout the body
- Memory and focus by supporting circulation within the brain and promoting the activity of acetylcholine
Organic Milk Thistle Extract (80% Silymarin)
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is arguably the most famous of all liver support herbs, and for good reason.
Extracts of this plant that are rich in the active compound, called ‘Silymarin’, have been thoroughly researched for their ability to support healthy detoxification and liver function.
Milk thistle acts in part by supporting the healthy synthesis of glutathione in the liver. It also exerts some of its other health-promoting effects by supporting the endocannabinoid system.
This extract is certified organic and standardized to 80% Silymarin to ensure consistency and potency from batch to batch.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced glutathione production via the GST (Glutathione S Transferase) enzyme
- Healthy liver function and detoxification
- Healthy digestive function via liver and gallbladder support
R-Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Also known as thiotic acid, alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant compound that your body naturally makes in order to assist with mitochondrial function, maintain healthy glucose levels, and help glutathione do its job.
There are two versions of this compound often found in supplements: the less potent version is simply called ‘Alpha Lipoic Acid’, while a version known as ‘R Alpha Lipoic Acid’ is approximately twice the strength because it only contains the R isomer as opposed to a 50/50 ratio of the active R form and the relatively inactive S form.
Using this form was the obvious choice because we strive to always use the highest potency, most bioactive version of every nutrient possible.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced activity of three of the major glutathione system enzymes, including Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx), Glutathione Reductase (GR), and Glutathione S Transferase (GST), promoting global glutathione optimization
- Cellular energy production
- Generation of the endogenous antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
- Healthy insulin function and blood sugar levels
- Circulatory health via promotion of nitric oxide synthesis
Bioactive Folate as L-Methylfolate (5-MTHF)
Metyhylfolate benefits a WIDE variety of systems
Also known as Vitamin B9, Folate is an extremely important molecule for a number of reasons. It governs DNA replication and expression, neurotransmitter synthesis, red blood cell production, mitochondrial function, and also takes part in glutathione synthesis.
Unlike the cheap synthetic folic acid you find in many supplements (a totally man-made chemical that works very poorly in a significant portion of the populace), methylfolate benefits every cell in the body because it’s in a bioidentical form.
Known by the names L methylfolate and 5-MTHF, this compound is bioidentical in the sense that it is the same molecular structure as the folate that is in your body right now, enabling it to go to work immediately.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced glutathione production by converting homocysteine to cysteine, a critical amino acid that serves as part of the “backbone” of the glutathione molecule
- Positive mood by supporting healthy synthesis of dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine
- Healthy red blood cell generation
- Healthy DNA replication
- Cellular energy production via reduced mitochondrial gene mutation
- Immune function via healthy T-cell production
- Cardiovascular function via enhanced homocysteine metabolism
Bioactive Vitamin B12 as Methylcobalamin
Vitamin B12 is another B vitamin that works closely with folate in order to generate cysteine, a crucial amino acid that forms the “backbone” of the glutathione molecule.
As with folate, much of the B12 used in supplements is an inferior, synthetic variety called cyanocobalamin that contains cyanide and is not found anywhere in nature.
The bioactive form of B12 that is necessary for cysteine generation is known as methylcobalamin. This is the exact molecular form that is already in your body, and thus it can–like natural folate–go to work immediately to promote healthy energy levels, detoxification, focus, and mood.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced glutathione production by converting homocysteine to cysteine, a critical amino acid that serves as part of the “backbone” of the glutathione molecule
- Positive mood by supporting healthy synthesis of dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine
- Healthy energy levels via mitochondrial energy production
- Healthy red blood cell generation
- Cardiovascular function via enhanced homocysteine metabolism
Bioactive Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxal 5'-Phospate (PLP)
Vitamin B6 is necessary for the generation of cysteine, a critical amino acid precursor to glutathione. It’s also an essential cofactor that helps your body manufacture neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and GABA, making it an ideal mood and cognitive support nutrient.
Many supplements contain a cheaper form of B6 called pyridoxine hydrochloride, a molecular form that’s not necessarily problematic, but is less active than PLP as the body must first convert it to PLP before it can be used.
As always, we chose the most bioactive form of B6 to ensure that you get results.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced glutathione production by assisting in the generation of cysteine
- Healthy mood by supporting the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine
- Calm focus by supporting the synthesis of GABA
- Cardiovascular wellness through enhanced homocysteine metabolism
Bioactive Vitamin B2 as Riboflavin 5'-Phosphate (R5P)
Also known as Vitamin B2, Riboflavin is a crucial activator of glutathione as well as other B vitamins, such as folate, B6, and niacin. It also supports neurological health by enhancing mitochondrial energy production.
As with the other B vitamins in APEX Glutathione, we selected R5P over standard riboflavin because it’s the most active form, a fully plug-and-play version of riboflavin that does not require additional modification in order to go to work enhancing gluatathione production within your cells.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced activity of the Glutathione Reductase (GR) enzyme, assisting the body with regenerating oxidized glutathione
- Healthy folate metabolism through activation of the MTHFR enzyme
- Healthy energy levels via mitochondrial energy production (via FAD, an essential part of the electron transport chain)
- Neurological health by supporting ATP synthesis in the brain
Selenium Glycinate
In order for your body’s glutathione system to work optimally, there are several minerals that must be in ample supply. One of the most essential of these minerals is selenium. In addition to supporting healthy detoxification, selenium also promotes healthy immunity and thyroid function.
There are several molecular forms of selenium available, and some are much bioavailable than others.
We chose selenium glycinate because, unlike inorganic forms like sodium selenite, it’s bound to an amino acid and thus is in a form that’s much easier for the body to work with.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced activity of the Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) enzyme, assisting glutathione with the neutralization of free radicals
- Immune health via promotion of B-cell and T-cell function
- Healthy inflammation response via regulation of eicosanoids
- Thyroid health by supporting healthy conversion of T4 to T3
Molybdenum Glycinate
Molybdenum (pronouced “muh-lib-duh-nuhm”) is a little-known trace mineral that assists the body with detoxification through several different pathways.
Molybdenum is necessary for the body to process sulfur-containing compounds such as glutathione and cysteine, ensuring that they’re being properly used by the body.
As with selenium, there are many forms of molybdenum available, some of which are easier to absorb than others. We chose this more natural form because it’s bound to an amino acid and thus is highly recognizable by the body.
This ingredient supports:
- Enhanced metabolism of glutathione and cysteine (via sulfite oxidase)
- Healthy detoxification via the upregulation of enzymes that neutralizes many common toxins (aldehyde oxidase and xanthine oxidase)
- Vitality and longevity by increasing antioxidant generation
The liposomal glutathione in CHOQ Apex Glutathione is 330% as bioavailable as regular glutathione
The liposomal glutathione in CHOQ Apex Glutathione is 330% as bioavailable as regular glutathione
Every cell in your body needs glutathione. That’s why it supports wellness across the board.
APEX Glutathione is a dynamic, multipurpose supplement that promotes:
APEX Glutathione Supports:

Healthy Detoxification and Liver Function
Glutathione is the single most important compound your body makes when it comes to healthy detoxification and liver function. When your levels are optimized, your body has an easier time getting rid of anything that’s not supposed to be there. Try APEX and your liver will thank you.

Immune System Intelligence
Glutathione is profoundly helpful for the immune system. When levels are optimal, this supports a healthy balance between Th1 and Th2 cells. In plain English, this means that your immune system works smarter, not harder. Ingredients like Selenium and Jiaogulan also support healthy immune function and histamine balance.

Mood, Focus, and Serotonin Production
Reishi, Bacopa, Folate, Vitamin B12, and Jiaogulan greatly enhance glutathione’s brain-supportive properties. The Bacopa extract in APEX has been standardized to contain significant quantities of Serotonin Active Bacopa Glycosides (SABGs), making it a great choice to support both healthy mood and focus.

Antioxidant Protection and Healthy Aging
Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, so it’s crucial to protect your cells against free radical damage, whether those free radicals come from inside or outside of your body. As we age, our production of glutathione tends to decrease, so supplementing is a great way to support graceful aging.

Healthy Inflammation Response
Because glutathione supports immune intelligence, it also supports a healthy inflammation response throughout your entire body. Whether you’re looking for support with your joints, muscles, bones, brain, blood vessels, digestive tract, or anywhere else, APEX Glutathione can help you function at full capacity.
Are you ready to try the most advanced glutathione supplement on the market?
On its own, glutathione is already an extremely powerful tool to support your vitality and help you deal with the toxicity of the world.
But APEX Glutathione’s professionally-formulated combination of 13 ingredients creates a synergy that puts it in a category of its own.
It’s also the reason that you can actually feel it working and so won’t have to worry about whether or not you wasted your money.
Try APEX and you’ll never want to be without it.

Upgrade your cells?
Are you ready to try the most advanced glutathione supplement on the market?
On its own, glutathione is already an extremely powerful tool to support your vitality and help you deal with the toxicity of the world.
But APEX Glutathione’s professionally-formulated combination of 13 ingredients creates a synergy that puts it in a category of its own.
It’s also the reason that you can actually feel it working and won’t have to worry about whether you wasted your money.
Try APEX and you’ll never want to be without it.