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Jonathan Simpkins

Leaky Gut and the Blood-Brain Barrier

Did you know the length of your life is directly correlated with your albumin to globulin ratio? Your human growth hormone is also a vital factor. A compromised or leaky gut can contribute to excess globulin and too little albumin.

Albumin is extremely important for your blood. Nutrients, waste, and water are all transported via your albumin. Albumin is the super-transporter of your blood.

Nutrients are transported across the blood-brain barrier, yet only some. One in one hundred twenty proteins are small enough to cross. Albumin can transport nutrients into the brain by passing through a vital blood brain barrier

A leaky gut could have become compromised by high phosphate levels in food, strange and indigestible proteins, disaccharide sugars, and rancid fats.

The blood-brain barrier can be compromised by harsh chemical solvents, such as wood alcohols and synthetic surfactants. Toluene is another example, a volatile organic compound (neurotoxin) often leached from food packaging.

These sorts of chemicals are pervasive in the modern world. Aside from industrial applications, they can make their way into our food, water, and health & beauty products.

Harsh solvents have a devastating effect on the integrity of the tissue of your epithelium and the tight junction fit of your intestine. Such chemicals contribute to an internal condition of a leaky gut.

leaky gut

Tissue can become compromised by eating flesh foods that rot in the upper intestine. A small soda drink, which can be full of Toluene, can make fat solvent. Then tissue can have become colonized by dysbiotic bacteria, which can grow and spread.

Such harsh solvents can cause the myelin sheathing protecting your nerves to tear down. This lipid barrier sheath can degrade into an acid-fast cell wall pathogenic bacteria.

A process of aggregation, fusion, and differentiation can cause the dysbiotic bacteria to grow and spread. Leaky gut is often characterized by an overgrowth of Staphylococcus aureus. That bacteria can crawl through your brain and even an eye.

The blood brain barrier can become compromised by pharmaceutical toxins. A compromised blood brain barrier and a leaky gut condition go hand and hand. Your gut is in fact a brain in its own right.

Indigestible protein, rancid fat, unnatural sugar of a dead food diet – all are factors that radically affect the integrity of your intestinal wall. Geomagnetic disturbance, EMF pollution, nu toxin, stress, and poor inflammation response all contribute to the symptom of leaky gut.

Brain protective polyphenols are certain alkaloids from plants that can produce a neuroprotective effect. Selenium glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase are both produced by your intestinal flora in good health.

Healthy intestinal flora is fed and replenished by particular earth-borne substances. Such substances can produce unprogrammed antibodies, meaning your immune system is ready to respond to any future dysbiotic bacteria.

Chronic leaky gut and disorder of the brain is a factor in dysfunction of the blood brain barrier nutrient transport system. Chemical surfactants like polysorbates are free radical toxins to the endothelial cells that line your passageways.

Chemical and heavy metal and nu toxins are transported away via endogenous efflux mechanisms of the blood brain barrier.  Hormones, amino acids, sugars, and vitamin-mineral complexes – all are delivered to your brain via its blood brain barrier;

Dysfunction of the brain is also due to it not having proper cell respiration. Damage and injury from excitotoxins can occur before the blood brain barrier is fully formed in boys. For males, the blood brain barrier is not complete until about eighteen months after being born.

blood brain barrier macro

Disease exists as amyloid cerebrovascular protein is found in the serum. Its presence in the serum demonstrates a pattern of a compromised blood brain barrier and a leaky gut.

Hyperperfusion and hypoperfusion of brain areas always includes a compromise of the blood brain barrier as well.

A compromised leaky gut, and an occlusion of the bile bladder and Brunner’s glands, is closely linked with neurological conditions.

In a vital state, you have an absence of solute with a high molecular weight that is permeable to the tight junction diffusion barrier of your brain and gut. Only low molecular weight lipophilic compounds can successfully cross such junctions.

In a condition of a leaky gut or compromised blood brain barrier, amino acids in the blood are small enough to pass through capillary membranes of the tight junctions protecting such.

Indigestible proteins, from dead foods not meant for our species, can wreak havoc.

Often such unmanageable proteins can be very small, similar to the size of an opiate. Such opioid peptides are generally smaller than twenty amino acids long, which is very small.

tight junction compromised in leaky gut

Leaky gut is a degradation of the tight junction fit of the intestine, similarly as the compromise of one’s blood-brain barrier.

A leaky gut is a serious condition, yet can be addressed naturally. We will be looking further into ways to restore integrity of your tight junction diffusion barriers in future articles. Detoxification is the first step.

Until then, remember to mind your gut, so you can gut your mind.

Jonathan Simpkins

CCO, Director of Culinary R&D

Jonathan Simpkins is an entrepreneur and independent researcher with extensive experience in the natural food industry. He has spent fifteen years studying traditional food and healing systems around the world, developing natural products, and promoting health optimization strategies.